New UNIO issue now online

By the Editorial Team

The Editorial Board is happy to announce that a new issue of the UNIO – EU Law Journal is now online. The 8(2) issue of UNIO includes contributions from various highly respected scholars and young academics and addresses issues such as a) the deployment of public consultations and referenda in the context specially important political issues (e.g. secession), b) ecological transition, c) tools available to the EU to combat rule of law backsliding, d) the common European asylum system, e) fostering equality and non-discrimination in the EU, and f) and the existence of legal remedies under the GDPR to challenge automated decision-making and profiling resulting in unjustified inferences about a data subject.

We hope this new issue pleases both our readers and authors and would like to remind you that we are accepting submissions at UNIO and also at our blog.

You may find UNIO’s 8(2) issue here.

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